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Sunday, January 27, 2008

FR: Weekend of crazy shit.

Weekend FR:

First off this weekend was NOT about sarging. Zilch was having a birthday party in Boston so we spent all day in Boston and Natick and really I don’t go out to sarge at this point. What I do is go out with intent to get things done and if someone catches my eye I capitalize on it.

This weekend consisted of Doc, P1anohands, Weez, Zilch, Scratch and I spending all fucking day together. I mentioned before that Doc is a pimp… let me tell you again that this guys game is so solid that it is sick. To watch and listen to Doc in set is something that is bad ass cause he is so stoic and calm that it screams confidence and that just works so well.

Props to P1anohands as well because he is one ball of MASSIVE amounts of energy and damn we all hit it off so well. I can see him and I hanging out QUITE a bit! So our day consisted of Natick Mall and then the Pru. Night was Underbar and a VIP party for the ages.

So we are at the pru after Doc’s 3rd number close and I am teaching scratch and Doc says to me open. I tell him I am teaching and he says fuck you that is an excuse. At this point I smile and go ok no problem at all then, walk over to the first blond I see and here is how it goes..

(As I approach I come in from the back and she doesn’t see or hear me and gets spooked)

Mayson: Wow, chill out I know it is strange to see a guy looking at maps of Ireland and all but its ok.

HBtraveler: hahah

Mayson: So you a big traveler?

HBtraveler: I want to be, I would love to go to Greece

Mayson: No kidden, I love to travel so get this right, (short DHV story about my summer and traveling.)

HBtraveler: (smiling and eye contact IOI) that is awesome omg blha blha

Mayson: My name is Mayson by the way

HBtravler: Hi I am Amber it is nice to meet you

Mayson: So Amber what do you do when you are not pretending to travel

HBtraveler: haha I work at a hospital

Mayson: So like.. I get the nurse vibe from you, you seem really caring

HBtraveler: haah thanks but I actually do research for them

Mayson: Wow that is pretty impressive, I have a friend who does microbiology and loves it

Note: At this point it was just too easy and she stopped looking at anything but me and I knew I was in, but anyone who knows me knows that I am VERY picky about my targets cause I get laid so I am not hard up or anything. So I tell her it was wonderful meeting her and eject. Yes I am an asshole.

I get feedback from Doc he says perfect just why didn’t you stay in longer. LOL I am sooooooooo fucking picky. I need to just chill out and run my game start to finish, I wasn’t afraid in set and was as clam as can be and ejected because it was just that easy.

Lets rewind a bit to some other events this weekend:


Thursday this got kicked off with a girl we are going to call HBpetshopgirl. Anyone who knows and talks to me knows that I saw this girl in the mall and she works at a pet shop and is the first girl I can clearly say is a 10. I thought about approaching A LOT but put it off…till Thursday.

So I see her and say fuck this here is how it went

Mayson: Hey I know this is completely random but like I have this friend and she just got two puppies and like she wants to do a random musical theme for the dogs like salt and peppa or something so hook me up with some ideas.

HBpetshopgirl: haha that is awesome, umm like I don’t know let me think..

Mayson: Oh come on I am sure you can come up with something, like who is the group that sang whoomp there it is..

HBpetshopgirl: (smiling big) ohh yah like.. shit what was it.. TAG TEAM

At this point I am happy as the interaction is going GREAT, and in comes the cockblock UG who works there.

Mayson: Hey we are thinking of duo names for these puppies like, singer names..

UG: ok like David Bowe?

Mayson: eh… yah you are way off.. DUO names hahah

HBpetshopgirl: how about Sunny and Cher

Mayson: now THAT is what I am talking about, niiice I like it your better then I thought.

UG: like how about (something I never heard of I was ready to throw her into a cage myself)

Mayson: (to petshop girl) Oh cool where did you get your lip pierced?

HBpetshopgirl: At blha blha blh

Mayson: no shit I have a friend who works there Amanda is her name.

HBpetshopgirl: ohh cool like I want to get more

UG: Yah I don’t know what to name them..

FUCKING UG SHUT UP!!! Boy could I have used an axe… or a wing I guess.

Mayson: I need to jet cause my friends are waiting for me but I will come back and let you know.

HBpetshopgirl: Yah totally (big smile) bye

So I was really clam even though she is so hot that I am pretty sure the fucking plastic melted on my key chain. Here is my plan. I go back this week and reopen with so this is what we named them, continue my qualify and then do my thing.. I like this one so I will post more about petshopgirl!


So I knew this girl who has a boyfriend and lets call her HBhummas... inside joke.

I call her up

Mayson: Hey rockstar I hear their is a party tonight

HBhummas: No its like a bar crawl we are at ____ if you come down you will get the biggest hug EVER!!!

Mayson: I might grace you with my presence.

Weez and I decide to go and I tell him I am going to make out with her so pull her BF away and keep him busy. We walk in and roll like we own the place. We are dressed very well and that bar is full of... shit I guess is the best way to describe it.

HBhummas sees me and jumps over a table to hug me.

Mayson: Hey rockstar having fun?

HBhummas: Now I am, it is so good to see you

Mayson: I know it is huh (laugh)

HBhummas: She looks me up and down and says wow you have changed so much since school. Its not like a bad thing but what happened?

Mayson: People change (smile) Well I cannot stay long so let me meet this perfect boyfriend

She brings her BF over I high five him, do a cold read about him being into cars to get him talking and Weez takes his ass away from me and HBhummas

Mayson: (I pull her toward me and go HEAVY kino) So I want you to come out with me tomorrow to Boston

HBhummas: you know I don't have the money but I want to see you

Mayson: My friend does promoting I will see what I can do for you, no promises

HBhummas: We need a cool handshake together lets make one up

(we are holding hands with her BF 2 feet away stairing at us and his girlfriend starts talking about her vagina. )

He hears the word Vagina and cuts Weez off and comes toward us saying, what is that about your vagina. (LOL)

I am like.. FUCK move this dude to another place..

He talks with Weez somemore and his girlfriend is hugging me not letting go, I push her off and she holds on looking at my lips.. At this point I am ready to go for the kiss but the dude is no having any of this as he looks at us. This was Weez's first wing and he did VERY good but didn't know to have the obstacles back toward us so I could kiss her.

Mayson: (at this point the BF is getting REALLY fidgity and won't leave me alone) Ok HBhummas, I am out we have other places to be

HBhummas: NOOOOO stay, pllllease

Mayson: haha no thanks

We hug, I am happy cause DAAAAMn that was sooo close.. I almost felt bad for the BF.

There was more to this weekend but I will save that for later.




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