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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"I have a boyfriend"... sure you do

As you go out you are going to encounter a person that many new PUAs fear more then the approach, what is that? It is the boyfriend. There are typically a couple of reasons a girl will bring up a boyfriend. Here are the most common:

1) She is politely telling you she is not interested

2) She is shit testing you to see how you react to this

3) She is being serious and wants to tell you she is committed (or so she thinks)

When I started off in pick up I would get this boyfriend response quite a bit and thus it would cause me to eject and find a new target. As I progressed I saw that these boyfriends had no outcome in the game that I ran because girls will always gravitate toward men of higher value.

As an example I will use an interaction with a girl who I sarged while her boyfriend stood 5 feet from me.

Mayson: Hey rockstar I hear their is a party tonight

At this point please note that I nickname EVERYONE because it allows then to associate a phrase with me, this helps more then you think.

HBhummas: No its like a bar crawl we are at ____ if you come down you will get the biggest hug EVER!!!

Mayson: I might grace you with my presence.

HBhummas sees me and jumps over a table to hug me.

Mayson: Hey rockstar having fun?

HBhummas: Now I am, it is so good to see you

Mayson: I know it is huh (laugh)

HBhummas: She looks me up and down and says wow you have changed so much since school. Its not like a bad thing but what happened?

Her boyfriend is introduced, I shake his hand and my wing takes him for a tour of the bar while I steal his girl.

Mayson: (I pull her toward me and go HEAVY kino) So I want you to come out with me tomorrow to Boston

HBhummas: you know I don't have the money but I want to see you

Mayson: My friend does promoting I will see what I can do for you, no promises just fun times.

HBhummas: We need a cool handshake together lets make one up

Mayson: (at this point the BF is getting REALLY fidgety and won't leave me alone) Ok HBhummas, I am out we have other places to be

(we are holding hands with her BF 2 feet away staring at us and his girlfriend starts talking about her vagina. )

During this I have built enough attraction that she is triangular gazing me and I am almost ready for the kiss close but her boyfriend comes back at the logistically wrong time. Entropy says that there is always an element of chaos in the field and this is a perfect example.

HBhummas: NOOOOO stay, pllllease

Mayson: haha no I need to go make other people happy now too, have a good night.

Since then I have spoken with her and she knows that this is going to go down no matter what there is just to much attraction between us, the question is when will the logistics be right.

The point of this example is that I can be right next to the boyfriend and still his girl will be willing to cheat, it is NOT that she is a whore or anything like that but it is all because we are designed to pair bond with the higher value person.

The main point is you need to ignore the boyfriend because he is not part of your game. If she brings him up you cut her thread and stack something else in it. She gets the picture that it because a don’t ask don’t tell deal and soon enough the boyfriend is out of the picture. This has happened time and time again with girls who had boyfriends and then all of a sudden a couple of weeks go by and no more I get a call telling me they are single. Ignore it and follow Captain Jacks advice.. “If it doesn’t help your game ignore it.”




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