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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sexual Minset.

Lots of new material coming soon that I use for inner game but first I want to talk about sexual minsets. The following is an except from Captain Jack's Blog which I am convinced is one of the best FREE tools around.

But, what do MOST guys try to do? They try to get an emotional connection and THEN go sexual... doesn't work that way.

Waste o' time.

She WANTS sex. She got fucking dressed up for 2 hours to get everything just right so a guy would notice her and come talk to her so she could possibly (finally) get laid by someone new.

So, quit being so goddamned stingy and give her what she wants. If she wanted a nice tame conversation, an enjoyable dinner and a PG-13 movie she could simply answer one of the ass kissing texts or voice mails of the horde of chodes she's given her number to (so they'd finally leave) in the past couple of weeks.

But, she hasn't done that has she? Nope.

This is a point that I have read about 6 times a day for the last 3 days. This is one point that once you internalize it and commit it to your set of beliefs will change your game for good. I want to you imagine for a minute that you are talking with a friend and your friend asks for a drink of water. You oblige and get him a glass without even thinking twice because he has a need and you want to fulfill that.

Women want sex. They want it more then guys many times and because of social conditioning they are taught to suppress it because it is not socially acceptable for a women to sleep with multiple guys but news flash people, they do. This does not make them evil or wrong, it makes them human.




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