As customary I want to take a look at 2008 in review.
New Years resolutions:
1) Be more social – Expand my social circle and meet more people in general.
2) Be more confidant- For me this means work on inner game quite a bit. I want to be the person that I have always felt lives inside of me. Life is to short to waste on trivial matters and this year I will meet people of like mind who want to be more then they were brought up to be.
3) Kiss 25 different girls- This is a person resolution that Weez and I have decided to adopt as a part of our pick up game
4) Grow my game- This means many things to me. First off I want to learn how to socially interact at a very high level by displaying higher value. I want to learn the social interaction that takes place between high value males and attractive females. This resolution also means to me that I must teach others the skills that I am acquiring. I hope to help change people’s lives through the Venusian Arts.
1) Be more social and expand my social circle.
I started 08 with a core of two people who I consistently hung around. I now have over 75 numbers this year and that is JUST the people that I actually talk to. I work for the clubs that I sarged in as a promoter and one of my best friends owns the place that I first opened a set in night game at. I smashed this goal.
2) Be More Confidant.
Some of the quotes from people in 2008.
HBbootygirl: yah (big smile)… wow your game is so much better then his (points to a friend)
Mayson: Do you go to ____ a lot I know a promoter who works there
HBasian1: Yah I do.. That has to be where it is from..
Mayson: Yah you must have been one of my groupies
HBasian1: haha I love your style I totally would be
HBgirl1: hahaha my friend loves your style and wants to meet you
HBrandomblond: You’re a pimp.
HB9: “You are fucking gorgeous.”
These are just some of the things that girls have said that I documented in my journal. This doesn’t count the banter, countless IOIs etc. I wanted to be confidant and I didn’t find my confidence in others but with their constant complementing I did realize that I possessed it all along.
3) Kiss 25 different girls.
I thought that this was going to be the hardest part of 08. Before 08 I don’t think I kissed 25 different girls in my entire life. This goal has been a GREAT learning experience and I am proud to say it has been completed!
4) Grow my game.
I wanted to teach others this style of game that through the GREAT help of learning from people like Doc Holliday, Ganglord, Entropy, Saffron, Stallion, Hollywood, El Topo, Captain Jack and so many more I found what works for me. I created new social systems that I have never even thought of before. These new social systems have changed my game and have yielded some amazing results not only with women but with everyone I come in contact with.
I taught with Practical Pick-Up as their approach coach this year. I went to Vegas to teach with the Art of Charm and Race and Kelly and learned from the students and teacher there as well. I did multiple one on ones and watched students with physical ailments rise above their handicap and pull some beautiful girls. I finished the Path to Pick Up, my first ever ebook which is a new social system to getting the life people crave. I smashed this goal and I could not be more proud of myself for the accomplishments that I made.
And now a year in review, 2008.
2008 comes to a close I sit humbled by the experiences that I have had. I was able to travel in and out of the country teaching these New Social Systems to people. I met some amazing friends and build the foundations of future friendships.
In 2008 I continued to lose weight dropping another 40 lbs losing over 80 lbs since I began this journey. I have kept this weight off for over a year.
In 2008 I launched my career building websites and graphic design projects for companies all over the country. I struggled with money but somehow I found a way to keep it all going.
In 2008 I build countless friendships and get to work as a club promoter. I have build such a strong social circle that I don’t pay to get into a club anywhere in the area and I never have to wait in line. I am treated like a celebrity in any club that I go in.
In 2008 I saw that bright lights of Vegas. I was not only able to number close the HOTTEST stripper I have ever seen but I was able to get paid to go out and teach the skills that I learned a year ago.
In 2008 I had more sex then I have ever had in my life, kissed more girls then I have ever in my life and been around women more then I EVER have in my life.
In 2008 I watched some of my friend who hated this change not only embrace it but ask how they can learn the social systems that I have learned.
In 2008 I fell in love with who I am as a person and know that with hard work the sky is not even the limit for my potential.
Game is not about wracking up lays to take vengeance on women for your hurt in life. Game is about improving yourself that you can share your best self with people who deserves it.
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