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Monday, September 29, 2008

If there were no community...

A few months ago Captain Jack did a blog post called, “What would you do if the community didn’t exist.”

I wanted to put my own spin on this and get a chance to talk about some things that have really opened my eyes to a new world. First here is an excerpt:

Just for a moment, Imagine….

No community. No help whatsoever aside from Barbara DeAngelis and Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus.

No Gurus, No bootcamps, No seminars, No TV shows, No online forums or DVD’s or CD’s. No RSD, Mystery Method, No Speed Seduction….

All of it….Gone.

Imagine a big dupster in your mind and all that stuff going into the dumpster and then the dumpster fades into nothingness.

What do you do?

You are alone with no help.

You still need to meet a sex partner or a girlfriend or lover. Biological urges are the same. But now its just you and girls.

Take this seriously.

What does your heart tell you to do?

Listening to your heart is the key point of interest in this entire topic.

My heart tells me to take action.

My heart tells me that I am more then my appearance

My heart tell me to take a risk and see what happens

My heart tell me to believe

My heart tells me to go

I believe without a doubt that our hearts in a pure context give us the guttural instinct to do the right things. It is emotions that betray us and cause us to misstep. Our emotions can work as a service or a hindrance; it is up to us to decide when to act upon them. So much of this game involves shutting down your emotions and becoming un-reactive which while in principal is excellent to overcome rejection and learn to not take anything personal, if you continue applying this to life you are like Adam Sandler in the movie Click, just going through the motions without reaction. You will fail to make a true connection with people because they will always sense that something is off.

If there was no community, no bootcamps, no TV shows and all of it was gone what would you do? If there was no community, no bootcamps, no TV shows and all of it was gone what would you do? Answer me below in the comments, maybe something you say will help another person out...

Check out the Post Here:

“What would you do if the community didn’t exist.”


Erika Awakening, on October 12, 2008 at 11:25 AM said...

hi Mayson,

Just found your blog, and I love your post about listening to your heart. I don't think we actually need to shut down our feelings, they are some of the best guidance we get. But I agree, when you are in your heart, you don't need cheesy pickup lines and routines because inspired words just start coming out of your mouth and you start connecting with EVERYONE. People can sense your authenticity from miles away!

I've written a lot about this on my blog (which is basically girl perspective on pickup):

Love for you to check it out and just like you, I love comments! It helps me feel
connected :-)

ABlogDead on July 27, 2009 at 10:10 AM said...

Just posted my thoughts on this up in my blog.



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