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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

FEEDBACK: You're turn to sound-off

I have some awesome readers!!!!!

The emails that I get from my readers are utterly amazing. People asking questions and telling stories that have really changed my out look on so many things. I want to share with you some of the feedback I have gotten from Path to Pick Up …. BUT…

First let me say that I want to hear from you guys more! I want to talk to all the people who read this blog because it is not about me trying to get praise by writing things here.. I write in this blog so that I can help give back to you guys.. so EMAIL ME your questions and comments!!

Now on to Path to Pick Up..

Here is just ONE of the many reviews that are pouring in:

Thanks for everything- really. This program has seriously changed my game and guided me on a personal development journey far beyond just seduction. As of now, I'm not where I eventually hope to be regarding pick up- but it takes time and effort. But, along with this I've been reading and focusing a lot as I said on personal development: and this program has been instrumental in helping me out with that. –Daniel

Path to Pick Up has done more then even I could have expected for people. I am currently in the process of editing some of the course and ADDING MORE to the 6 week program. I am giving the entire thing a new face lift and making it more stream line thanks to the feedback from the 7 great students who have helped me out.

Don’t worry… YOU TOO will be able to experience Path to Pick Up in the near future.. but more on that later.




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