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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Myths of Pick Up: This is easy...

Let me assure you that nothing in this game is easy. People are always searching for the magic pill that will allow them instant results with women. Our society today is based on fast results and instant gratification but the harsh reality is that lasting change takes time and work. I cannot sell you instant change or promise you that this journey is easy. All I can tell you is that the reward is worth the struggle.

I have taught many people pick up and some have stuck with it and changed their lives forever and sadly others have realized that this game is hard and backed out only to slip back into old patterns. As an instructor I really do care about each and every student I speak to. I came from a guy who was over weight, depressed and suicidal to building a life of beautiful people around me constantly. When I have a bad day now, I have a phone full of people who would drop anything to see me. My world is based on excess and I have found a new life from the ashes of my old self.

Did any of this come easy? No.

From my posts maybe I led you to believe this was easy when it wasn’t. Maybe I made you think my success started with my first approach and not with the countless failures. Maybe I made you think that every set I opened was a success, that my game was built on principal rather then passion. Maybe you didn’t see that failure gave me strength, that my pain was my motivation. Maybe I led you to believe that pick up was a god given talent and not something I worked for EVERYDAY of my life. Maybe I made this look easy…. Or maybe.. You’re just making excuses.




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