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Saturday, July 5, 2008

If a seed could talk...

All around us there are marvels that take place that we may never see but they are the natural balance of this beautiful world. Let’s take for instance the life of a seed. Something so small and seemingly insignificant that many would take it for granted can produce an amazing result with enough time. The way seeds reproduce is unlike humans or animal, see the seed reproduces by dying.

If a seed could talk I think that it would have more wisdom to say in two sentences then most of the things humans have said in two centuries. The seed would tell us a lesson that transcends all human logic because the seed would say that to truly live your best life and become the best you….. you… have to die.

You have to die to your old habits and lifestyle and shed the things in this life that have kept you complacent and locked in fear. In life, like in pick up people want results as quick as possible but they sit and play video games for 12 hours, eat like shit and want attract models. Nothing about pick up is easy but nothing is more rewarding then being able to attract the people that you want in your life and doing what other people only talk about doing, changing your life.

The seed would tell us that you have to lay down what you are now and trust that with time, effort and pressure you will crack…. And it is in that cracking of your old shell that the beautiful inside is exposed to finally grow into the best you that was there all along. I can only imagine that the first seed was afraid to die on a theory that with time it would become something bigger then the contents of its shell.

We are all confined to the shell that we place on ourselves through accepting society’s norms and limiting our belief patterns. We are constantly living inside of the shells that we have created through our experiences and internal dialogue that we accept. The seed would argue that the shell is not the life that we create because if we just cast off our shells and die to these old ways we will grow to something that is 100 times bigger then what we can imagine. Tyler often says “what would you do and who would you be if fear didn’t exist.” The seed would argue that fear is part of our shell and if we just commit to letting it go, knowing that deep inside of us we possess something more we will do just fine.

It startles me how a seed can teach us so much about inner game.


zilch on July 12, 2008 at 5:01 AM said...

Enson Inoue used to live his life by a quote. “Live as a man. Die as a man. Become a man.” He was a modern day samurai referred to by the Japanese people as Yamato Damashii.

You would live your life, lose everything, and start from scratch and learn what it was like to really be a man.



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