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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

NSS Coaching


Hey everyone.. This blog has really been amazing for the past 2 years but since my company New Social Systems (NSS) has been expanding we have rolled the blog over to there, so CHECK IT OUT

NSS BLOG & Mind of Mayson

Monday, May 3, 2010

Audio Interview...


Hey all,
I recently had an interview with Paul from "Enrich Your Love Life." I talked about how to build value, relationship management and building lasting confidence.


This was a ton of fun and be sure to check out his blog as well, I added it in my blog roll and it has a ton of value!

Hope you find value in the interview and as always EMAIL ME!!! I want to talk to you all!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This will change your life.....


You are reading this because you want to get more out of life…

Maybe you are not getting the quality of women you want in your life…. Maybe you are not happy and want more out of life… Maybe you are struggling to get the girl you want. I have great news for you…


Not only do I think we can help, I KNOW we can help you get the girl, get the life you want and sustain happiness that is LASTING. We have helped hundreds of students all across North America build a life of LASTING change. Let us PROVE it to you LIVE!

May 14th-16th at the New Social Systems Dating Mastery Seminar!!

Boston, MA

Learn from New Social Systems instructors Jimmy, Mayson and Doc Holliday live in field! Imagine spending 29+ hours over a weekend working with trained dating, relationship and lifestyle instructors getting instant feedback! We will teach you an in depth system to be able to walk up to any girl and instantly build attraction! You will learn the secrets to LASTING change in your life as well as a system to sustain happiness. We keep our seminars to a limited number of students so that each student will have hours of personal time with the instructors as we go into the field together.

Here is what one of our students said:

“This was a life changing class for me. In stead of “just be me”, the
instructors tried to bring out the best part of me, the part of me I
like to be. In other words, the class taught me how to “be myself.”
This class has provided me a complete picture, from how to
approach girls to dating and relationship management.” – Li

You are probably thinking, “Sounds great but can they really help me?”

I want to prove we can help you! Other companies charge $3,000 dollars for a 25 hour program only to make empty promises.

Why is the NSS Dating Mastery Seminar different and like nothing you have experienced?

Simple… We teach students the skills to become successful in all areas of their life. At New Social Systems we believe that you don’t find yourself, you create yourself. Our coaching programs are tailored to give the most value possible to each and every student who takes our programs. Don’t take our word for it, read what our students have to say!

“The rest went off and Mayson stayed to observe. To my utter surprise (and with the aid of subtle hint from Mayson to end it and get the number) I got her number. Then I opened another set and got her number.” –Greatkisser

“Doc is probably a master at building Comfort. His philosophies on the subject allowed us to see the importance in it, especially when in isolation.” –Chamelon

“Thanks for everything- really. This program has seriously changed my life and guided me on a personal development journey far beyond just seduction.” -Boston

While companies are charging $3000+, so we want to prove that this is a value you cannot pass up. If you sign up NOW you can lock in the price of $795 for this life changing seminar. That’s less than a third of the industry price for a 29+ hour LIVE seminar. Demand is very high; we wanted to make sure that we offered a very reasonable value because we are committed to seeing our students grow in their lives. This WILL sell out so make sure you reserve your spot today!


Here is an overview of what we are offering.

18 hours of seminar time/customized debriefing and 11 hours of LIVE in-field coaching:

Day 1: Friday Night: LIVE In Field Training

8pm Dinner Meet up

-Discuss the venue for the night

- Game 101 Lecture and Q&A

10-2am LIVE In field with Coaches

- Live Training with NSS Coaches

2-3am Debrief

Day 2 Saturday: Teaching & LIVE Training

12-1pm: The Female Mind Explained

- Find out what women are really attracted to

- Learn what turns women on

- The secrets of the female psyche

1-3 pm: Attraction Explained

-How to illicit attraction

-Beginning a Conversation

-Screening for compatibility
-Kino Progression

-Push Pull
-How to Cold Read

3-5 pm: Building a Connection

-How to build a connection

- Building authentic connections with women

- Growing your connection

- How love is formed

5-6 pm Dinner Break

6-8 pm Meeting Girls During the Day

-How to meet girls during the day

-LIVE in class exercises

-How to meet, attract and date girls during the day

8-10 pm Meeting Girls at Night

-How to meet, attract and date girls at night

- LIVE in class exercises with NSS Coaches

- How to build deep connections with women at night

9-10 pm Goal Setting and Demo

-Live in class demonstrations

-Personalized 1 on 1 coaching and goal setting

11pm – 2am LIVE Infield NIGHT Training

-LIVE in field NIGHT Training with NSS Coaches

Day 3 Sunday: Teaching & LIVE Training

12-4pm: LIVE Infield DAY Training

-LIVE in field DAY Training with NSS Coaches

- Fashion Breakdown

5-7 pm: Text Game Phone Game Day 2’s

-Learn how to create fun and exciting dates

- Understand the secrets of building a connection through phone calls

- Learn how to maintain attraction and get deeper relationships

7-9pm: Personalized sticking point analysis and Q&A

- NSS coaches personalized feedback session

- In depth question and answer session

Remember, we are here to build relationships, not clients. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and experience the seminar first hand before it is sold out! This is your life and if you are not getting the results you want here is your chance to change it forever!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Get her number in under 10 min: VIDEO


Here is a video we just did for a guy who emailed us a great question!
Want you questions answered?


Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Mind of Mayson: "Being a Man"


What does it mean to be a man?

When we are posed with that question many things come to mind. We can talk about confidence, leadership, strength and all of those would be good answers, but what is the core of being a man? In the last 40 years the roles of a man and woman have become more and more blurred. Women in the 1940’s and 1950’s would stay home, raise the children and took on the role of a submissive wife. In the 1960’s and 1970’s feminism took center stage and as more and more divorces happened women became single mothers and left to raise boys on their own. I was a product of a single mother and no father in the 1980’s and I have spent a great deal of my life trying to answer the question of what does it mean to be a man?

Now as we turn the page into 2010 we see these roles barely exist anymore. Men have become dependent, lacking direction, followers, cowards and more than anything irresponsible. In the community we learn about the “attraction switches.” We are taught to be confident but we are never instructed as to WHY this role is important or even HOW to actually sustain confidence.

So what is a man in 2010 and why does this matter to your dating life?

Because being a man is a role that will NEVER disappear. It may seem obvious, but the truth is;

Women… Like… Men..

I want to give you my characteristics of what a man is and what their role is.


Most men believe that being responsible means supporting a family financially. Being responsible means your role is to accept when you are wrong, but live with the mindset that you are right and confident in your ability to make decisions. A man should also contribute to the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well-being of his family and significant other. This means taking action when the circumstances call for it and doing what it takes to solve issues that arise.

A Protector

A protector means that you can more than just physically protect her from other people; it also means protecting her self-esteem and self-worth. One of the greatest compliments a woman can give a man is to feel safe around him.

A Leader

A good leader takes the lead rather than passively waiting for your spouse or significant other to initiate it. Leadership shows confidence and we all know that confidence is very attracting to a woman. Most guys miss the mark here and view leadership as a one way street. A good leader inspires others to greatness, thus giving value while he leads the relationship or household.

A Mentor
A man of high value is a mentor to others through word and action. Set high standards and teach by doing. He is impeccable with his word and his actions display confidence as well as mentoring others to improve their lives. This is a powerful trait for a man to have because the strength of character it takes to be a mentor shows a wide variety of attraction switches such as: Confidence, leaderships, social proof and social status.

The spineless behavior of men is changing the roles that men and women have and causing men to become submissive, feminine and afraid to take the lead.

The first step to understanding and changing this behavior is becoming dominant.

Dominance does NOT mean that you own another person, simply put dominance means that you have authority over another person. You take the lead and lead the interaction. If we talk about relationships it means that you are the one who leads the relationship, others are along for the ride and offer their input. You do NOT control the other person, she is free to be who she is just as you are free to be who you are, you are simply leading the relationship and she is more than welcome to add input.

A lot of guys mistake dominance for total control…

A relationship is not about control because control is based in fear, a relationship should be founded on love and love is all about freedom. Dominance simply means that you are going to step up and be the man. You are going to lead her and she is going to choose to follow or not. This means making plans, choosing where to eat, setting boundaries and enforcing them.

The next step is Assume leadership.
You are the leader because you are the man. Tell her what you want!! When I counsel people in a relationship I often find the same issue that happens over and over again. Neither person is expressing what they actually want.

You will NEVER get what you want if you do not clearly communicate what you actually want and expect from the other person.

Assuming leadership means that you understand your role as the man in the relationship is to step up and lead. Take authority over your actions and lead the relationship where you want it to go.

Controlling Emotions
One quality of a man that many people overlook is the ability to control emotions. Women are creatures of emotion and thus their moods will change as their emotion’s change. As a man you are responsible for controlling your emotions and not letting your emotions control you. Many times when a man has no father figure and was raised by a mother only he will be a very emotional man. Part of assuming the role of a man though is to have dominance over your emotional well-being as well. Its OK to show emotions, in fact it is vital! However, you need to show restraint and that restraint of emotion is VERY attractive to women.

Becoming Independent
Independence is a major trademark of a man. Independence shows that you can take care of yourself and therefore you can take care of others. Independence shows that you understand the way life works and have broken free from your dependence on others both financially and emotionally.

Having Direction in life
Having a direction in life is another vital role that a man must take on. If you are to be the leader of a relationship or family you must display that you are taking her in a direction she wishes to go and that she has the faith in you to follow. One of the greatest compliments a woman can give a man is that you are multi-dimensional. You have passions other than what she first saw.

Setting standards
In the beginning of any interaction with a woman you are sending signals to each other about where your boundaries are. You communicate these in many ways such as verbal cues, body language and willingness to comply with suggestions. As you set boundaries the woman’s job is to test these boundaries to see if you will keep her in check. As the man allows his boundaries to be broken the woman loses attraction for him. Over time, the woman will leave the man because she loses all respect for him and sees him as an unsuitable partner.

A man sets his standards and keeps them there. One of the greatest phrases that holds true in life is “we teach people how to treat us.” We do this by setting boundaries and then holding others accountable for violating them.

For a final point I will try to answer the question what does it mean to be a man. I guess from all my experiences I can say that we know we are a man when we see one. When you become responsible for your actions you begin to understand the world not from the eyes of selfishness, but from the eyes of selflessness.

Questions or Comments EMAIL US

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



I think a lot of time we fall sway to the “I will be happy when” ideology.

I will be happy when I get what I want. This ideology causes a great deal of suffering because we make an agreement with ourselves that we will not be happy until what we want is here. Happiness is never found in anyone or anything, true happiness is a feeling that comes from inside of you.

One of the major keys to happiness is contentment. You must be content with your life right now or you will never achieve greater things because you’re mind will always be in the future wishing for something that has not yet manifested. Happiness is never found outside of us it is always inside. We like to believe that if we had what we wish for that happiness would soon abound but the fact of the matter is that that temporary joy will fade over time until we find something else that we want.

When we seek happiness from external sources we are chasing a dream that will always remain just out of our hands. As we obtain these external things new dreams are formed and we must chase them or risk suffering. When one derives happiness from inside you will take it with you everywhere you go. No one can take your dream away because it is inside of you and cannot be bought, sold or destroyed.

The next key to finding happiness inside of you is to accept what is. It is what it is in your life right now and you must see your life not as good or bad but you are where you are in life right now to learn as much as you can. No matter what you believe is bad in your life relate it to something MUCH worse and you will see you’re problems could be much worse. Nothing is good or bad, big or small it is all in what you relate it to.

Be sure to check out



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